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Carlo Bonte Auctions nv

比利时     收藏拍卖公司
Carlo Bonte Auctions was established in 1932.
Carlo Bonte took over the business in 2005. He has had a successful internship at Christiesa€? (London) and afterwards four years of professional experience as a director of Partridge Fine Arts (New Bond Street, London). Being a young and ambitious man, Carlo Bonte has chosen not only a new business approach for the auction house that bears his name but also a new manner in terms of collecting and exhibiting goods. His slogan is "only the best will be good enough."
Today, Carlo Bonte Auctions is the leading auction house in Belgium for Asian art and offers a fine quality of European antiques.
Carlo Bonte Auctions holds three to four auctions per year.

Carlo Bonte Auctions创建于1932年,是一家位于比利时的拍卖行。
Carlo Bonte于2005年接管公司业务。他在伦敦有一段成功的实习经历,之后的四年里,他任职于Partridge Fine Arts(伦敦新邦德街一家拍卖公司),成为该拍卖公司的总监,积累了丰富的行业经验。作为一个雄心勃勃的年轻人,Carlo Bonte不仅以他的名字为拍卖公司名,采取了新的经营模式,而且在收藏和展示品藏品方面,也有其独特的品味。他的口号是“只有最好,才算足够好”。
如今Carlo Bonte Auctions已成为一家比利时领先的亚洲艺术品拍卖公司,同时提供一系列精美优良的欧洲古董艺术品。Carlo Bonte Auctions每年举行三到四个拍卖会。

地址:Kardinaal Mercierstraat 20, 8000 Bruges, Belgium